
How To Create A Welcoming Guest Room
A guest room should be a haven for weary travelers far away from home. And if your guest room feels cozy and comforting, staying there might entice your long-distance loved ones to come and stay more frequently. Making these 10 tweaks will transform a basic bedroom into a true home away from home. 1. Pick […]
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Guide to Preventing Drowsy Driving
An AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety analysis found that 16.5% of all fatal crashes involve drowsy driving. That equates to 5,000 deaths per year. Yet with nearly one in three Americans suffering from sleep deprivation, stats like these shouldn’t surprise you. They should concern you, though. After all, 40% of drivers admit to falling asleep […]
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Why Do I Still Feel Tired After Sleeping?
You’ve finally got the extra hours of sleep you’ve been waiting for but there’s just one problem: you still feel tired. That’s right: even after a full night’s rest, it’s still possible to feel tired. If you’re wondering how feeling tired after sleeping is possible, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some key […]
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How To Sleep Well in a College Dorm
College students are known for being sleep deprived, but you don’t have to suffer from this stereotype. Sleeping well in a college dorm is a challenging task, but it can be done. Use these strategies to have a dramatically different sleep experience. Reduce Your Caffeine Intake Before Bed All-nighters and overwhelming test schedules can lead […]
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What to Do if You Sleep Too Hot
At Tochta, we know that there are many things that can disrupt sleep: loud noises coming from the street or your neighbors, a snoring partner, insomnia, too much caffeine. Being too hot is another problem that could be preventing you from getting a good night’s sleep, but the good news is that the problem can […]
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How to Get a Custom Mattress Made
Living on the open road means that you get to experience a new aspect of the world every day. Without a good mattress to sleep on, though, the open road can also mean waking up each morning with a stiff back. You got a large vehicle so you could spend your time traveling, not looking […]
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RV Mattresses: What To Do If Your RV Mattress Is Uncomfortable
When you get right down to it, whether you RV on occasion or travel full time, all roads lead back to your RV mattress. After all, the average person spends at least seven hours sleeping each night. Plus sleeping well is essential to staying alert while driving and avoiding accidents. Getting a good night’s sleep […]
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